[Tang-Residents] Hi! We are Tang Medlinks

Achilleus H Savvidis achsav at mit.edu
Sun Sep 24 15:31:22 EDT 2023

tl;dr: We carry some OTC meds, first aid materials, and safer sex supplies. Come to us if you ever need anything or someone to talk to about health and wellbeing!

Hi Tang,

I hope the semester is going well for all of you. I am writing to introduce the Medlinks living with us in Tang this year. If something happens to you, here are some things we can give you or help you with:

  *   First aid supplies, like bandages and cold packs
  *   Single-dose OTC meds, like tylenol and benadryl
  *   Menstrual products (for emergencies/if you run out)
  *   Safer sex supplies, like condoms (external and internal) and lube
  *   Connect you to MIT resources such as Medical, VPR, S^3 for undergrads, etc.
  *   Someone to talk to about anything from stress to healthy eating, or a breakup!
  *   More info here<https://medlinks.mit.edu/about> and here<https://medlinks.mit.edu/medlinks-kit-supplies> (full links at end of email)

These are the Tang Medlinks this year:

  *   Caroline Bao, 11E-4, baoc at mit.edu
  *   Izzy Luca, 2E, imluca at mit.edu (also an EMT<https://ems.mit.edu/about-us/>!)
  *   Julie Meng, 11E, jlmeng at mit.edu
  *   Achilleus Savvidis, 3D-2, achsav at mit.edu
  *   Julia Situ, 11E-1, jsitu at mit.edu

Email us at tang-medlinks at mit.edu, or just knock on our doors! More contact info here<https://medlinks.mit.edu/where-we-are?field_residence_value%5B%5D=grad_tang&field_residence_value_1=All> (needs touchstone login first at upper right corner).

Again, reach out to us if you every need anything we can provide, and look out for community events we throw a couple times a semester!

Lastly, we are recruiting! Apply here<https://medlinks.mit.edu/join-us> by 11:59pm on Sep 29, 2023.

yfn Medlinks

About Medlinks: https://medlinks.mit.edu/about
Medlink supplies: https://medlinks.mit.edu/medlinks-kit-supplies
EMT: https://ems.mit.edu/about-us/
Tang Medlinks: https://medlinks.mit.edu/where-we-are?field_residence_value%5B%5D=grad_tang<https://medlinks.mit.edu/where-we-are?field_residence_value%5B%5D=grad_tang&field_residence_value_1=All>
Join Medlinks: https://medlinks.mit.edu/join-us

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