[Tang-Residents] Fw: Kindness day

Dawn Anderson colquitt at mit.edu
Mon Nov 13 16:18:56 EST 2023

Hello Tang:

If you have not seen it yet, Kindness Day activities are set up in the lounge.

From: Naomi Lane <naomic at mit.edu>
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2023 5:56 AM
To: Dawn Anderson <colquitt at mit.edu>; Michael J Collins <collinsm at mit.edu>; Larry Anderson <landerso at mit.edu>; Naomi D Schurr <nschurr at mit.edu>; thra at mit.edu <thra at mit.edu>
Subject: Kindness day

I set up kindness day in first floor lounge. The lobby was too full

I set up directions, colored pencils, posters postcards, and I blew up balloons.
Please let residents know
Naomi L



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