[Tang-Residents] Fwd: Update: Emergency utilities work – Audrey Street at Building W85

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Thu Mar 30 12:34:49 EDT 2023


Subject: Update: Emergency utilities work – Audrey Street at Building W85

Dear colleagues,

On Monday, April 3, emergency utilities work is scheduled to resume on a watermain next to Buildings W83 & W85 along Audrey Street. Anticipated work hours are 9AM-4PM. Noise and interruption in the area from a vacuum truck and excavation activities is expected. Work is scheduled for one week, but may continue until the issue is resolved.

The work area will be cordoned off, and pedestrians will be directed around the site. Traffic will remain two-way along Audrey Street, but the road will be narrowed and traffic may be slowed. Parking will be limited. Police will be onsite, and signage will be posted; please be aware and use caution when traversing the area. The road will be plated over after work hours.

Questions about this work may be directed to Cori McKee-Dalis at corimck at mit.edu or 617-866-8127.

Please distribute this notice to individuals in your area who may encounter this work.


Laurie Verner
Communications Coordinator
MIT Campus Services and Stewardship

Visit the construction updates page of the Facilities site for information on this and other activities:


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