[Tang-Residents] Front Desk: Early Closure @10PM

Al Jones aljones at mit.edu
Tue Mar 28 21:26:44 EDT 2023

Good Evening Tang,

The Front Desk will close tonight at 10PM due to a staff emergency.
Please stop by the desk in your earliest to pick up needed packages.

After 10PM if you're in need of assistance with Room Lock-Out's or any other immediate
room needs, please use the Front Lobby Phone and contact Unit-12 @ (3-1500).  You may also
contact from your personal phone (617) 253-1500 stating you're a resident in Tang Hall along
with your need, and a responding member will assist you.

An early closure sign with the above information will reflect at the Front Desk.
Operation Hour's return to the regularly scheduled timeframes tomorrow 3/28/23.

Thank you in advance for understanding.

Al Jones
Operations Manager | Front Desk Services
Housing and Residential Services
Email: aljones at mit.edu<mailto:aljones at mit.edu>
Office: (617) 715-4336
Cell: (857) 972-1965
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