[Tang-Residents] Fw: Head of House dorm-wide dinner Saturday 9/25 @5:30pm Tang Lawn (rain date 9/26 5:30pm)

Dawn Anderson colquitt at mit.edu
Tue Sep 21 06:15:13 EDT 2021

Hello Tang Resident:

I'm super excited to bring in the Fall season (9/22/21) with you!!!

We are doing something a little different this year by turning our Heads of House Meals by Floors into a bit of a fall festival on the lawn.  This will give us another opportunity to enjoy our outdoor space before the winter cold so come out and meet your neighbors.

Please join us this Saturday at 5:30 on the lawn for games, a meal and an open mic for anyone that has a talent to share.  Not a must but certainly want to provide a space for multiple modes of expression and connection.

RSVP:  https://forms.gle/VsrigCbezZQjFAab9  (by Thursday 11:59pm)

You will need tickets to pick up food


Dawn Colquitt-Anderson, Head of House, Tang Hall<https://studentlife.mit.edu/housing/graduate-family-housing/graduate-residences/tang-hall>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue (W84)
Cambridge, MA  02139


From: Dawn Anderson
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2021 1:51 PM
To: tang-residents
Subject: Head of House dorm-wide dinner Saturday 9/25 @5:30pm Tang Lawn (rain date 9/26 5:30pm)

Hello Tang Hall Residents:

Join the Heads of House for an annual meal with residents on the Tang Lawn Saturday, 9/25/21 (rain date 9/26) @ 5:30pm.

The Chicken and Rice Guys Food Truck is catering and currently I'm hunting for a dessert truck.  I'm currently looking for a dessert truck.


There will also be an open mic and a stage available for the budding artist among us to share their talents.
RSVP to attend the event (and perform) by clicking on the link below by Tuesday 9/21 at 11:59pm.




Dawn Colquitt-Anderson, Head of House, Tang Hall<https://studentlife.mit.edu/housing/graduate-family-housing/graduate-residences/tang-hall>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue (W84)
Cambridge, MA  02139


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