[Tang-Residents] Fw: Come Move with DAPER!

Dawn Anderson colquitt at mit.edu
Mon Jan 25 20:45:34 EST 2021

FYI Tang!!!


Dawn Colquitt-Anderson, Head of House, Tang Hall<https://studentlife.mit.edu/housing/graduate-family-housing/graduate-residences/tang-hall>
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue (W84)
Cambridge, MA  02139


From: Kayla Rothbart
Sent: Monday, January 25, 2021 10:56 AM
To: Larry Anderson; Dawn Anderson; Michael J Collins
Cc: Emily Lin
Subject: Come Move with DAPER!

Good Afternoon Tang,

MIT Recreation is happy to announce we are now accepting Wellness Your Way sessions again, these virtual program offerings are the perfect solution for connecting as a community and getting the movement we all need! Wellness Your Way brings MIT Recreation's health and wellness professionals directly to your students to get them group exercising, training, eating well, relaxing, and learning without leaving home. We are reaching out directly to all the Heads of Houses and Area Directors of to get the conversation started about working in your community at MIT! With the one-year anniversary of COVID-19 around the corner and the return of our students on campus, we know mental health is a priority. From single programs to weekly series with multiple sessions the sky is the limit. We have developed a few example options for you to choose from but if you would prefer a custom choice, we would love to set up a meeting with you to talk more about your specific Res Hall.

How to get started for your Res Hall?

  *   Review the Menu Items or consider a custom program of your choice.
  *   Contact Kayla Rothbart, rothbart at mit.edu<mailto:rothbart at mit.edu> to schedule your program.
  *   Finalize your programs dates, offerings and quote.
     *   Ex. 10 Weeks of Virtual Yoga at Noon on Monday's
  *   Share the Movement for your community!

Current Offerings:
·         Virtual Group Exercise
o    Menu Items
§  Shake It Off - Zumba, Kickboxing, Cardio and Meditate or HIIT
·         Description: Destress through sweat with this high energy class combo, which can include a meditative refection after cooling down the body.
§  Cardio Core Combo - HIIT, Pilates, Bootcamp
·         Description: Strengthen your core and cardiovascular system, improving activities of daily living!
§  Stretch for Success - Unwind Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Functional Stretch
·         Description: Recover your mind and body through these three classes that both stretch and strengthen.
o    Add on/Pick your own
§  Custom - Special Populations, specific class (Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Bootcamp/HIIT, Kickboxing, Barre)
·         Virtual Nutrition Coaching
o    Menus Items

        *   Intro to Meal Prep - Enjoy your own lunch while learning from MIT Recreation's Registered Dietitian about meal prepping for your individual goals during this interactive session!
        *   Fueling & Recovery - So you're ready to start training but what should you eat before your 5k or during your training sessions?  Come meet with a Registered Dietician and learn more about the best nutrition for fuel and recovery!

We look forward to working with you, cheers!

Yours in the Movement,

Kayla Rothbart
Associate Director of Programs & Wellness
MIT Recreation
W35-368 DAPER
120 Vassar St
Cambridge, MA 02139

[cid:image001.png at 01D6F304.D2857A30]<http://eepurl.com/hhp4pr>

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