[Tang-Residents] Bldg. W84 - Entire Building Normal Power, and Lights Shutdown Notification

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Mon Aug 10 15:25:41 EDT 2020

The MIT Network system will be powering off starting at 7:30 am before the main power shutdown at 8am.
This is to prevent any damages that may be caused on such a quick power outage and power restore.

We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Thank you

From: Michael J Collins
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 12:17 PM
To: tang-residents <tang-residents at mit.edu>
Subject: FW: Bldg. W84 - Entire Building Normal Power, and Lights Shutdown Notification
Importance: High


Please be aware on Tuesday August 11th there will be a brief complete power outage lasting for only 5 minutes then the power will be restored.

The following Normal Power, and Lights shutdown request for Bldg. W84 - Entire Building on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 from 8am to 8:05am
Back up generator will provide lights and 1 elevator.
We apologize for the inconvenience

Type: Normal
Date: August 11, 2020
Day: Tuesday
Time: 8am - 8:05am
Building(s): W84
Room(s): Entire Building
System: Normal Power, and Lights
Duration: 5 minutes
Repair, and Testing of Recent Faulted 13,800 Volt Cable on West Campus

Loss of Normal Power, and Lights
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