[Tang-Residents] FW: Please distribute - route changes coming Dec 22
Michael J Collins
collinsm at mit.edu
Fri Dec 13 11:56:00 EST 2019
View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/2b3538645aac/please-distribute-route-changes-coming-september-248171?e=3142a41509>
Hi Perq Administrator,
As part of the Better Bus Project<https://mbta.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d69747d5fc9f30fa7321ea932&id=5738ac07fb&e=3142a41509>, some routes will be changing starting on December 22. This may impact the commutes of some of your employees. These changes are based on an extensive feedback process with the affected communities, and will help increase reliability and improve frequency in those areas.
We've posted comprehensive route-by-route information<https://mbta.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d69747d5fc9f30fa7321ea932&id=44cccb5493&e=3142a41509> on our website. Please distribute this info to your employees, even those who don't participate in Perq; some riders might need to change their pass order or their commute.
You can learn more by visiting mbta.com/betterbus<https://mbta.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d69747d5fc9f30fa7321ea932&id=9bf31d990f&e=3142a41509>.
-The Perq Team
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