[Tang-Residents] NEW THRA Government 2019/20

Sam Raymond sjr at mit.edu
Tue Apr 9 10:46:06 EDT 2019

Dear All,

We are very proud and excited to announce the new faces of the THRA for
Congratulations to everyone who applied for new positions and for those
taking on new roles.

   Yumeng (Melody) Cao
*Vice President*
   Hari Bandi
*IT Chair*
   Garima Sharma
   Shashank Srikant
*Purchasing Chair*
   Vrushank Phadnis
*Publicity Chairs*
   Maria Zagorulya
*Social Chairs*
   Alexis-Tzianni Charalampopoulos
   Satish Gupta
   Mike Ranjram
   Somesh Mohapatra
*Sports Chairs*
   Francois Hogan
*Gardening and Recycling Chair*
   Matthew Allan

THRA 2018/19 Team


Sam Raymond

PhD Candidate.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Doctoral Program in Computational Science and Engineering

Center for Computational Engineering (CCE)

Civil and Environmental Science Engineering (CEE)

77 Massachusetts Avenue, Rm 1-179, Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: +1 832 820 1301 <(832)%20820-1301>

Email: sjr at mit.edu
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