[Tang-Residents] Apply to be a part of THRA!

Parnika Agrawal parnika at mit.edu
Sun Mar 6 09:26:28 EST 2016

Dear Tang residents,

Interested in getting more involved with the graduate student community at MIT while also securing your housing for the next year? Tang Hall Residents' Association (THRA), the student government at Tang Hall, is looking for new members for the term May 2016 - May 2017. This time, we have the following open positions:

Vice President (1 position)

Social Chairs (5 positions)

Sports Chairs (3 positions)

Publicity Chairs (2 positions)

Dorm Coordinators (2 positions) - to be selected by interview

You can find details of the organizational structure of THRA and officer responsibilities here<http://tang.mit.edu/tang-hall-residents-association/positions-and-responsibilities/>. All open positions other than the Dorm Coordinator will be filled by general voting by all the Tang residents. The Dorm Coordinator position will be filled by interviews with the Housemasters.

If you'd like to contribute in developing the Tang community, please fill out this form<http://goo.gl/forms/SvAUR8kpQQ> by noon on Saturday, March 12, 2016.

Why: Several perks!

1. You get to select your own room in Tang - no hassle of entering the housing lottery.
2. You get to shape Tang's social and sports scenes - introduce new events and initiate new policies to improve the lives of graduate students.
3. You acquire important leadership skills which will prepare you for your life beyond MIT.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to tang-government at mit.edu<mailto:tang-government at mit.edu>.


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