[Tang-Residents] FW: Spring Break Airport Shuttle

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Fri Mar 4 12:39:56 EST 2016

From: Lawrence R Brutti
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2016 12:02 PM
To: parkinfo <parkinfo at mit.edu>; gsc-hca <gsc-hca at mit.edu>; ua-admin <ua-admin at mit.edu>; hmgr <hmgr at mit.edu>
Cc: mitparking <mitparking at mit.edu>; Melody H Craven <mcraven at mit.edu>; general at tech.mit.edu
Subject: Spring Break Airport Shuttle

Please Distribute

The Parking and Transportation Office will once again provide shuttle service to Logan Airport for the Spring Break.   Shuttles will be available on Friday, March 18 and Saturday, March 19 at the scheduled times.  Advance reservations are required.

Please visit the Parking and Transportation Office web site reservation page http://web.mit.edu/facilities/transportation/shuttles/airport.html to view the schedule and reserve a seat. The shuttle fee is $10.00.

All reservations will be processed via the web site and the shuttle fee will be billed to student bursar accounts or via employee payroll deductions. Shuttles will depart from the Kresge parking lot at the scheduled time and will not wait for late arriving passengers.  Normal trip time from MIT to Logan Airport is about a half-hour, but please allow up to one hour for this trip.  Traffic, construction and Airport Security delays should be expected.

Larry Brutti
Operations Manager
MIT Parking & Transportation Office

T: 617-253-5142
E: lrbrutti at mit.edu<mailto:lrbrutti at mit.edu>

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