[Tang-Residents] FW: New Hubway Stations on campus
Michael J Collins
collinsm at mit.edu
Mon Jan 4 13:58:19 EST 2016
Subject: [Parkinfo] New Hubway Stations on campus
Please Distribute
Good news for those of us in the MIT community who use Hubway bikes to get around: MIT just made biking even more convenient.
MIT has opened two new Hubway stations: the Vassar Street West station (adding 25 bike docks in front of the Westgate low-rise residences near the corner of Vassar and Audrey Streets) and the Pacific Street station (providing an additional 19 bike docks in front of Sidney-Pacific at the corner of Pacific and Purrington Streets). With these new options, MIT now sponsors a total of four Hubway stations and 102 bike docks on campus - and all four stations will remain open throughout the upcoming winter.
If you haven't used the Hubway bike-sharing program, be sure to give it a try sometime! MIT's Hubway subsidy for students, staff, and faculty offers Hubway membership at $25/year (regularly $85/year).
Learn about this and other biking benefits by visiting Commuter Connections at:
Check out your personal Atlas Commuting Benefits Page: https://atlas.mit.edu/atlas/Main.action?tab=aboutMe&sub=commuting
Larry Brutti
Operations Manager
MIT Parking & Transportation Office
T: 617-253-5142
E: lrbrutti at mit.edu<mailto:lrbrutti at mit.edu>
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