[Tang-Residents] Generator Project update

Michael J Collins collinsm at mit.edu
Fri Aug 26 12:04:38 EDT 2016

Dear Westgate and Tang residents,

Below, please find a summary of planned work and potential impacts from August 29 - September 2. This work is related to the generator construction currently underway.


*        On Monday 8/29 the project team will relocate sections of the site fence  in preparation of the underground utility rework in the forthcoming weeks.

*        On Tuesday 8/30  I preparation for future work, the team will be testing water valves to ensure they hold closed.  This will happen between 11AM - 1PM.  Residents should not see any loss of water during this test

*        By the middle part of the week a small piece of equipment (mini excavator or rubber tired backhoe) should be remobilized to continue site preparations for the trenching that could begin for the weeks end and or just after the Labor day weekend.

*        The activity for the week should not create much noise with exception to the operation of equipment and back up alarms (minimal sound standard to operating equipment).

*        All of this work, including the delivery of equipment/materials will be done so between the hours of 9am and 5pm.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at (617) 999-9993.


Kevin M Carr
Project Manager
617-324-6218 Office
617-999-9993 Cell

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