[Tang-Residents] Re-elections for the post of Social Chair

Parnika Agrawal parnika at mit.edu
Tue Apr 12 14:45:46 EDT 2016

Dear Tang residents,
Thanks to all of you who voted for selecting the new THRA board. We had clear results for all posts except for Social Chair. Hence we are re-opening the elections only for this post.
Only people who did not cast their vote earlier must vote in this round. If you already voted in the previous round and you vote again, your new vote will be disqualified.
Please help us resolve the tie by voting for your favorite Social Chair here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16zjRxYVfVe8Z7mn92rlJ25fOpXmbsZF_JcDFeeEJfgM/viewform?c=0&w=1> before Saturday, April 16th, 11:59 PM.
If you haven’t received your 5-digit unique identifier code, please email me or yschati at mit.edu<mailto:yschati at mit.edu>.
Parnika Agrawal
Vice President, THRA 2015-2016

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