[Tang-Residents] Results of the THRA Elections 2015-16

Sivaraman Ramaswamy rsivaram at mit.edu
Thu Apr 23 19:33:45 EDT 2015

Hello Tang residents,

The THRA board for the year 2015-16 is as follows. The people highlighted
in bold are the newly elected officers.

*President*: Yashovardhan Chati
*Vice-President*: Parnika Agrawal
*Treasurer*: Manish Shetty
*Social Chairs*: Neelkanth Bardhan, Naga Neehar Dingari, *Sudarshan Sarathy*,
*Olivia Huang*,                                *Rebecca Soyoung Kim*, *Victoria
*Sports Chairs*: Edwin Fonkwe, *Pronoy Biswas*
*IT Chair*: Devendra Shelar
*Publicity Chairs*: Avishek Biswas, Ranjitha Shivaram
*Dorm Coordinator*: *Ankur Gupta*
*Purchasing & Maintenance Chair*: *Angxiu Ni*
*Recycling & Gardening Chair*: Qifang Bao
*GSC Representative*: Soon Ju Choi

Thank you everyone for voting.

"Outgoing" Vice-President, THRA
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