[Tang-Residents] THRA Elections voting open now

Sivaraman Ramaswamy rsivaram at mit.edu
Sun Apr 19 11:22:33 EDT 2015

Dear Tang residents,

Just a gentle reminder that the deadline for voting is today 9:59 pm. You
can cast your vote here:
Password: thra_elections_15

You can view the list of candidates here:

Vice-President, THRA
On Apr 15, 2015 10:14 PM, "Sivaraman Ramaswamy" <rsivaram at mit.edu> wrote:

> Dear Tang residents,
> The voting is *open now*:
> http://tang.mit.edu/tang-hall-residents-association/thra-voting-ballot/
> Password: thra_elections_15
> The voting closes on *Sunday April 19, 9:59 pm*. You can view the list of
> candidates for the THRA Elections 2015-16 here:
> http://tang.mit.edu/2015/04/14/vote-in-the-tang-elections-2015/
> Best,
> Sivaraman
> Vice-President, THRA
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