[Tang-Residents] Fwd: Power outage tang and westgate

Michael J Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 14 13:33:20 EDT 2014

The higher floors will probably loose water as no power is not being supplied to the booster pumps at this time

On Mar 14, 2014, at 12:35 PM, "Michael J Collins" <collinsm at mit.edu<mailto:collinsm at mit.edu>> wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

From: <collinsm at mit.edu<mailto:collinsm at mit.edu>>
Date: March 14, 2014 at 12:34:14 PM EDT
To: Tang Hall Residents <tang-residents at mit.edu<mailto:tang-residents at mit.edu>>
Subject: Power outage tang and westgate


Tang and Westgate have no power I'm waiting to hear an update on what's going on I believe it may be campuswide I will keep you informed once I find details thank you
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