[Tang-Residents] FW: Alert message
Michael J Collins
collinsm at MIT.EDU
Thu Jul 3 07:28:02 EDT 2014
From: parkinfo-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:parkinfo-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Larry Brutti
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 7:07 PM
To: mitparking at mit.edu; Parking Coordinators
Cc: Ruth Davis; Monica Lee
Subject: [Parkinfo] Fwd: Alert message
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From: "coderedcityhall at cambridgema.gov<mailto:coderedcityhall at cambridgema.gov>" <coderedcityhall at cambridgema.gov<mailto:coderedcityhall at cambridgema.gov>>
Date: July 2, 2014 at 7:01:53 PM EDT
To: "mitparking at mit.edu<mailto:mitparking at mit.edu>" <mitparking at mit.edu<mailto:mitparking at mit.edu>>
Subject: Alert message
7/2/2014 6:59:11 PM EST - Due to a forecast of severe weather, the Boston Fourth of July Concert and Fireworks Spectacular have been re-scheduled for Thursday evening July 3rd.
As a result there will be no parking allowed on Memorial Drive between Wadsworth Street and Vassar Street after 12Noon on Thursday.
Memorial Drive as well as the Longfellow and Mass. Avenue Bridges into Boston will be shut down to vehicle traffic at 6:00pm Thursday.
Residents of East Cambridge should take note of posted parking restrictions in the area.
You are encouraged to use public transportation if attending the event.
For additional information visit the City of Cambridge web site at http://www.cambridgema.gov
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