[Tang-Residents] FW: Fourth of July Road Closings

Michael J Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 1 09:04:48 EDT 2014


From: parkinfo-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:parkinfo-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Larry Brutti
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2014 8:44 AM
To: parkinfo at mit.edu
Cc: Ruth Davis; Monica Lee
Subject: [Parkinfo] Fourth of July Road Closings


For those planning to come to MIT to view the fireworks on the Fourth of July, please be aware of the following:

*       Complete event information can be found on the Boston Fourth of July web site:  http://www.july4th.org/

*       We recommend using the MBTA which will provide extra service on the Fourth of July and a free ride to the public after the July 4th concert.

*       The Hayward Lot and the E51 Lot are reserved for Law Enforcement and Emergency Response Vehicles on.  There will be no parking allowed in the E51 Lot and the Hayward Lot on July 4th.

*       As Usual, Evening Parking will be in effect in all gated facilities on campus.

*       There will be limited access to campus parking after the 4:00PM road closings.


12:01 AM
*       No parking on Memorial Drive between Mass Ave and the Longfellow Bridge. (vehicles will be towed)

4:00 PM
*       Memorial Drive in both directions from Mass. Ave. to the Longfellow Bridge closed.
*       Main Street, from Third Street to the Longfellow Bridge closed.
*       Ames Street from Main Street to Memorial Drive closed.
*       Wadsworth and Amherst Streets, closed.
*       Land Boulevard from Binney Street to Longfellow Bridge closed.
*       Hayward, Carlton, Charlotte's Way and Dock Street closed.
*       Longfellow Bridge closed to vehicular traffic.
*       Longfellow Bridge closed to pedestrian traffic from 9PM to end of fireworks.
*       Mass Ave Bridge closed in both directions  to vehicular and pedestrian traffic from Beacon Street in Boston to Vassar Street in Cambridge.
*       Memorial Drive from Mass. Ave to the BU Bridge closed.
*       Vassar Street, from Mass. Ave to Memorial Drive closed with access for residents only.

Larry Brutti
Operations Manager
MIT Parking & Transportation Office

T: 617-253-5142
E: lrbrutti at mit.edu<mailto:lrbrutti at mit.edu>

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