[Tang-Residents] Fwd: [help.mit.edu #2740522] wireless request in Tang W84-7C2

Eric Ma ericmjl at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 21 17:25:22 EDT 2014

Hello Tang Residents,

For those of you who rely on the gym WiFi, RCC had only last gotten back to
me 6 days ago. Many thanks to Yash for reminding me to send this to you
all, as I had been buried in coursework the past week.

Michael and I are pushing them as best as we can. I have also given them
feedback on their response time, and I'm hoping they start serving
Tang/Westgate a bit better.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <rcc-west at mit.edu>
Date: Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 12:21 PM
Subject: [help.mit.edu #2740522] wireless request in Tang W84-7C2
To: collinsm at mit.edu, ericmjl at mit.edu

Dear Eric,

I'm looking into what may be wrong with the AP and we'll be getting it back
online ASAP.  I don't have an ETA at this very moment, but expect that it
will be back online shortly.

You also sent a request into the Help Desk regarding this case.  Just
letting you know that I'll be merging the two cases and that I'll be in
touch with you with regards to your suggestions and comments about our
ability to support the wireless network later this afternoon.  Thank you
very much for reporting this issue.

Please reach out if you have any questions.

Stu Peloquin
Extended Infrastructure Support Team Lead
MIT Computing Help Desk
Information Systems and Technology
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