[Tang-Residents] Fwd: FW: Graduate Orientation Olympics on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd

Yashovardhan Chati yschati at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 2 09:49:37 EDT 2013

It's tomorrow. Come be a part of it!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Avishek Biswas <avibiws at mit.edu>
Date: Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 10:46 PM
Subject: FW: Graduate Orientation Olympics on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd
To: "grad-dorm-officers at mit.edu" <grad-dorm-officers at mit.edu>
Cc: Avishek Biswas <avibiws at mit.edu>

 Hi Officers,

  Could you please forward this email to your respective dorm mailing-lists
regarding the "Graduate Orientation Olympics" to be held on this Tuesday,
September 3rd.

 Avishek Biswas,
 Publicity Chair,
Tang Hall Residents' Association (THRA)

 Hello All,

   As a part of GSC's Orientation, *Tang Hall* is organizing the *"Graduate
Orientation Olympics"* on this *Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013 *along with
Sidney-Pacific and Ashdown. Join us for an afternoon of *Soccer, Frisbee,
Unihoc, Volleyball, Badminton, Dodgeball, Athletics* and *new friends!** *

Participants will be teamed on the spot to battle in a variety of sports. Meet
new friends, win prizes and enjoy the dinner served after the games!

 The event is open to all MIT students, spouses & partners, but is not
suitable for children.

   - *What:* *Graduate Orientation Olympics 2013*
   - *When:* Tuesday, *September 3rd*, *1:30 pm (Registration)*, 2-7 pm
   (Games) & 7 pm (Dinner)
   - *Where:* *Z-center* (W35) (adjacent to MIT Student Center)
   - *Join our FB event page: *

 If you have any questions about the event please email:
tang-sports-chair at mit.edu

Avishek Biswas,
 Publicity Chair,
Tang Hall Residents' Association (THRA)
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