[Tang-Residents] FW: Landscape activities at Westgate
Michael J Collins
collinsm at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 12 16:36:52 EDT 2013
Please see email provided below
From: rtdavis at MIT.EDU [rtdavis at MIT.EDU]
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 4:16 PM
To: undisclosed_recipients at mit.edu
Cc: Ruth T Davis; news at the-tech.mit.edu; Ruth T Davis
Subject: Landscape activities at Westgate
Dear Colleagues,
Please be aware that landscape construction activities are planned for the front lawn of Westgate Family Housing at 540 Memorial Drive.
Work is scheduled to begin during the week of July 15 and will continue through the end of August. The construction activities will have a delayed start time of 8:00 AM rather than 7:00 AM and will end at 4:30 PM Monday through Friday.
Questions about the construction may be directed to Senior Project Manager, Rich Quade, at rquade at plant.mit.edu.
The space is being developed for the Westgate Cooperative Preschool to use as an outdoor classroom to allow the children to conduct projects. It will also provide a secure spot for children to ride bicycles. From Labor Day through Memorial Day, the outdoor classroom will be used by the Westgate Cooperative Preschool attendees. During June, July and August, the space will be available to Westgate families for their use.
A schematic design of the space shows its intended areas of use: http://mit.edu/facilities/construction/westgate-final-schematic-3-4-13.pdf
Ruth T. Davis
Manager of Communications and Sustainability
MIT Department of Facilities
NE49-2100, 77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: 617-253-7299
Facilities Online Directory
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