[Tang-Residents] Eastgate Summer Fun, THIS SATURDAY, July 13th

Naga Neehar Dingari nneehar at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 9 23:12:46 EDT 2013


Naga Neehar.
From: Noa Peleg-Perry [pilgit at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 11:08 PM
To: grad-dorm-officers at mit.edu
Subject: Eastgate Summer Fun, THIS SATURDAY, July 13th -- please distribute

Join us, THIS SATURDAY, for summer fun with cool treats, sidewalk chalk, and a very special entertainer, Davey the Clown. Davey will amaze us with his juggling, music, unicycle riding, and so much more!

Location: MIT Eastgate Playground
Date: Saturday, July 13th
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00pm
Cost: Free for MIT Community
More Information: eastgate-pc at mit.edu<mailto:eastgate-pc at mit.edu>

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