[Tang-Residents] Graduate Orientation Olympics on Sept. 3rd

Avishek Biswas avibiws at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 27 12:09:58 EDT 2013


Hello Residents,

 THRA welcomes you to Tang Hall as we gear up for the Orientation and the Fall Semester. As a part of GSC's Orientation, Tang Hall is organizing the "Graduate Orientation Olympics" on next Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013. Join us for an afternoon of Soccer, Frisbee, Unihoc, Volleyball, Badminton, Dodgeball, Athletics and new friends!

Participants will be teamed on the spot to battle in a variety of sports. Meet new friends, win prizes and enjoy the dinner served after the games!

The event is open to all MIT students, spouses & partners, but is not suitable for children.

  *   What: Graduate Orientation Olympics 2013
  *   When: Tuesday, September 3rd, 1:30 pm (Registration), 2-7 pm (Games) & 7 pm (Dinner)
  *   Where: Z-center (W35) (adjacent to MIT Student Center)
  *   Join our FB event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/581463475245373

If you have any questions about the event please email: tang-sports-chair at mit.edu

Avishek Biswas,
Publicity Chair,
Tang Hall Residents' Association (THRA)

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