[Tang-Residents] Fwd: Please Distribute: Westgate Fall 2013 Yard Sale - Aug.31

Yashovardhan Chati yschati at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 22 12:21:25 EDT 2013

FYI. Make use of this great opportunity.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Westgate RFRC <westgate-rfrc at mit.edu>
Date: Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 12:03 PM
Subject: Please Distribute: Westgate Fall 2013 Yard Sale - Aug.31
To: grad-dorm-officers at mit.edu

 Dear officers,****

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Please forward to your dorm residents.****

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The *Westgate** Fall 2013 Yard Sale* is coming up soon!****


When:   9:00AM – 2:00PM, Saturday, Aug.31st, 2013****

(If it rains, we’ll move it to Sep.1st.)****

Where:  Lawn between Westgate and Tang ****


For sellers, registration is required.****

Please Register at:


Sell your unwanted items!****

Buy all kinds of useful household goods from fellow students with low

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*Possible Items List:*

furniture, household items, kitchen utensils, bikes, electric appliances
(e.g. microwave,  blender), crockery, baby stuff, glasses, clothing, books,
toys, grocery, personal care items (e.g. skin/body care, hair care,
cosmetic, oral care, health care), electronics, food and much more!****

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Also, we’ll set up an area for FREE items during the event. Feel free to
come donate your items or grab a freebie! ****

NOTE: Please don’t put broken/dysfunctional items ( eg. stroller with
missing wheels, broken bowls, etc.) there. They should be trashed. Thanks!**


E-mail westgate-rfrc at mit.edu with questions/comments.****


Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood WEC.****

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