[Tang-Residents] FW: Help to Throw the Best Welcome Party Ever

Dawn Anderson colquitt at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 21 18:32:25 EDT 2013

Greetings Tang:

They are still in need of volunteers for this years orientation.

Dawn Anderson
From: tang-social-bounces at MIT.EDU [tang-social-bounces at MIT.EDU] on behalf of Xiaoyu Wu [xywu at MIT.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 5:10 PM
To: tang-social at mit.edu
Subject: [Tang-Social] FW: Help to Throw the Best Welcome Party Ever

Volunteers are needed for Orientation 2013!

From: Christopher David Smith [cdsmith at MIT.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 14:37
To: grad-dorm-officers at mit.edu
Subject: Help to Throw the Best Welcome Party Ever

Please forward to your dorm residents!


Orientation 2013 still needs volunteers!

If you are interested in assisting with any of the dozens of events scheduled between August 25 – September 14 (full calendar here<http://gsc.mit.edu/orientation>), please sign-up ASAP.

Volunteering with Orientation offers a unique opportunity to build leadership and professional skills, make friends, and have fun!

To sign-up to assist with events from 8/25 through 8/31, visit:  https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=1649232481

To sign-up to assist with events from 9/1 through 9/14, visit: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=2104214892

Special opportunity: Family Carnival

An annual orientation favorite for MIT students and their families, Family Carnival provides wholesome entertainment in the form of boardwalk-style games and attractions. Help us make the year’s Family Carnival the best ever!

·         Family Carnival (8/31, 2pm to 6pm): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ans0LX0Zak8-dHRJZTRVZjItNU9DcWhoY1F0SHJMNnc#gid=0

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