[Tang-Residents] Third Thursdays at the LIST Center

Naga Neehar Dingari nneehar at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 21 09:45:09 EDT 2013

From: Aalap Dighe [dighe at MIT.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2013 9:33 AM
To: grad-dorm-officers at mit.edu
Subject: Third Thursdays at the LIST Center

Dear Grad Dorm Officers,

Would you mind please forwarding along this event announcement below to your residents?


Aalap Dighe
Arts Chair, Graduate Student Council


Third Thursdays @ the List
What: Third Thursdays @ the List
When: Thurs. Aug. 22, 7pm
Where: List Visual Arts Center, E15 lobby
Contact: gsc-ac at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-ac at mit.edu>

  *   Free cupcakes, drinks, and live DJ!
  *   Explore the current exhibit featuring Ken Okiishi
  *   Make your own videos and enter the VINE contest
  *   Bring your 21+ ID to drink
  *   Link to the exhibit: http://listart.mit.edu/node/1019#.UhGogmRASVI

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