[Tang-Residents] Campus preparations for the storm

Dawn Anderson colquitt at MIT.EDU
Sun Oct 28 19:49:03 EDT 2012

Dear residents:
We would like to share with you the preliminary plans that MIT is working on in preparation for hurricane Sandy early next week.
While forecasts are varying, it looks like the area surrounding MIT is in for strong winds, rain starting on Monday and going through Wednesday.

MIT Residential Life & Dining is taking the following steps to ensure that the campus is prepared:

·      We will be adding additional mechanic coverage on the evening shift, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
·      House Managers have checked the roof drains in all residence halls to ensure that they are not clogged with leaves.
·      House Managers have tested all external drains of the residence halls, including window wells and basementdoor entrance drains.
·      Water vacuums and sump pumps have been tested, and all cleanup equipment will be made ready (rakes, shovels, etc.) to clear external drains as needed.
·      House Managers will work with residents to ensure that all windows are closed throughout the buildings onMonday.
·      MIT Dining has asked their vendors to plan for large food deliveries on Monday to get the campus through the storm.

The MIT Security and Emergency Management (SEMO) and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) staff will be monitoring the weather all weekend and will work with Senior Leaders at MIT to communicate their plans and mobilize appropriate staffing, if and when the storm worsens.  SEMO will also be participating in daily conference calls with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Association (MEMA).  The EOC will activate Monday night and provide on-campus staff members who will respond to all emergencies.
For updates about the weather and news about what is happening on-campus, please refer to the MIT emergency website: http://emergency.mit.net/emergency  or visit the Residential Life & Dining homepage: http://studentlife.mit.edu/reslifeanddining
Preparing for the Storm
Your first step in preparing for a hurricane should be to develop a personal emergencyresponse plan and discuss it with your family well ahead of a weather emergency. This list will help you in your planning.
Develop an emergency communication plan.
·       Keep in contact with your family, let them know that MIT is preparing for the hurricane and we will be providing support to keep you safe during the storm.
·       Please make sure you charge your cells phones and other electronic devices in case of power outage in order to maintain communications with family.

Hurricane preparation kit. Pull together useful items such as non-perishable food items and snacks, juices, soft drinks, bottled water, manual can opener, change of clothing, sturdy shoes, portable radio, first-aid kit, batteries, flashlight, eating utensils and containers for holding water. Refill prescription medicines.
Prepare your room or apartment.
·       Pick up all items from the floors and store in drawers and closets.
·       Move upholstered furniture away from windows.
·       Close and lock your windows.
·       Bring inside any items you may have on balconies or other open areas.
·      Unplug stereos, TVs, electronic equipment.

What to Expect.
1)    During the brunt of the storm, with high winds and heavy rain, all students should stay indoors and Shelter-in-Place
2)    Electricity may go off.   Be aware that all residence halls have emergency generators that will power the fire alarm, and partiallighting in all hallways and egress pathways.   All bedrooms and apartments will have no power.   It Massachusetts power is lost, the MIT Co-Generation plant will go down initially causing the generators to go on, but the Co-Gen plant may be able to restart within a few hours.  Residence halls in the northwest area are not on the Co-Gen plant and may need to rely on emergency generators for longerperiods of time.
3)    Refrigerators can hold food for up to 12 hours with no power as long as they are not opened often.
4)    MIT Dining Halls will make every attempt to be open for normal service during the storm.
5)    W20 dining facilities will also make every attempt to be open.

Dan Roderick                                                            Dennis Collins
Director of Housing Operations                                   Director of Residential Life for Capital Renewal and Construction
Division of Student Life | Office of Residential Life
201 Vassar Street (W59-200) Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: 617-253-5145 | Fax: 617-258-8163
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