[Tang-residents] FW: Fourth of July road closings
Michael J Collins
collinsm at MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 25 11:06:15 EDT 2012
From: parkinfo-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:parkinfo-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Larry Brutti
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2012 11:04 AM
To: parkinfo at mit.edu
Cc: Ruth Davis
Subject: [Parkinfo] Fourth of July road closings
For those planning to come to MIT to view the fireworks on the Fourth of July, please be aware of the following:
* Complete event information can be found on the Boston Fourth of July web site: http://www.july4th.org/
* We recommend using the MBTA which will provide extra service on the Fourth of July and a free ride to the public after the July 4th concert.
* The Hayward Lot and the E51 Lot are reserved for emergency response services on July 4th. There will be no parking allowed in the E51 and Hayward lots.
* As Usual, Evening Parking will be in effect in all gated facilities on campus.
12:01 AM
* No parking on Memorial Drive between Mass Ave and the Longfellow Bridge. (vehicles will be towed)
4:30 PM
* Memorial Drive in both directions from Mass. Ave. to the Longfellow Bridge closed.
* Main Street, from Third Street to the Longfellow Bridge closed.
* Ames Street from Main Street to Memorial Drive closed.
* Wadsworth and Amherst Streets, closed.
* Hayward, Carlton, Charlotte's Way and Dock Street closed.
* Longfellow Bridge closed in both directions.
6:00 PM
* Memorial Drive from Mass. Ave to the BU Bridge closed.
* Mass Ave Bridge closed in both directions from Beacon Street in Boston to Vassar Street in Cambridge.
* Vassar Street, from Mass. Ave to Memorial Drive, access for residents only.
Larry Brutti
Operations Manager
MIT Parking & Transportation Office
T: 617-253-5142
E: lrbrutti at mit.edu<mailto:lrbrutti at mit.edu>
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