[Tang-residents] Fwd: MIT Alumnae Conference - TOMORROW 3/5 - RSVP for Lunch & Workshops FREE

Amrit Jalan amrit at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 4 16:36:46 EST 2011

Dear residents,
Please find information about an upcoming event being organized by the MIT women's alumni network with this mail.


From: aileenwu at gmail.com [mailto:aileenwu at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Aileen Wu
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 4:25 PM
To: tang-dorm-coordinator at mit.edu; tang-it-chair at mit.edu; tang-president at mit.edu
Subject: MIT Alumnae Conference - TOMORROW 3/5 - RSVP for Lunch & Workshops FREE

Hi Tang Hall Executives,

I am an MIT alum and member of AMITA, the MIT women's alumni network. We are holding a conference tomorrow that provides an excellent networking opportunity for MIT students both women and men (details below).

To encourage MIT students to come (most registrants are alumnae), we will provide the first 10 students that email me (aileenwu at alum.mit.edu<mailto:aileenwu at alum.mit.edu>) free admission to the lunch and workshops.

Do you mind passing it to the grad students in Tang ASAP? Any others lists you can forward the email too would be great. Thank you!

Best, Aileen Wu (Course 10, 2003)

Email Subject: MIT Alumnae Networking - TOMORROW 3/5 - RSVP for FREE LUNCH & WORKSHOPS

Ellen Swallow Richards' Legacy: MIT Alumnae Making a Difference
Lunch & Workshops THIS SATURDAY, March 5 at MIT
Conference Page<http://alumweb.mit.edu/groups/amita.old/ESRLegacy/overview.shtml>

First ten MIT students to email aileenwu at alum.mit.edu<mailto:aileenwu at alum.mit.edu> will gain FREE admission to lunch and workshops. Students can also register here<https://alum.mit.edu/smarTrans/public/Register.dyn?eventID=51662&groupID=182>.

Come to AMITA's conference - ESR Legacy - MIT Alumnae Make a Difference - which will feature CEO's, Educators, Community Leaders and other Innovators who will cover our workshop topics
*  Science Education
*  Healthcare
*  Entrepreneurship/Innovation
*  Sustainable Environment
Come meet remarkable professionals, participate in the workshops, and learn about the challenges of their fields and how the panelists are contributing to their future direction and progress.

Panelists and Speakers include:

Lunch and Opening Remarks
Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus HM '86, Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering, MIT<http://web.mit.edu/>.

Alumnae Educators: Spreading the Word on Science and Technology:
Dr. Leah Jamieson, '71, Dean of Engineering, Purdue University<http://www.purdue.edu/>;
Karen Arenson, '70, Former Education Reporter and Business Editor,The New York Times<http://www.nytimes.com/>, Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow;
Dr. Cecily Cannan Selby, LI '50, Professor of Science Education,NYU<http://www.nyu.edu/>, and former National Executive Director, Girl Scouts<http://www.girlscouts.org/>;
Elisabeth Stock, '90 and '95, CEO and Co-Founder, Computers for Youth<http://www.cfy.org/>;
Emily Wade, '45, President, Museum Institute for Teaching Science<http://www.mits.org/>(MITS)

Alumnae in Healthcare:
Dr. Roseanna Means '76 and '77, MD, Founder, Women of Means<http://www.womenofmeans.org/>; Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School<http://hms.harvard.edu/>; CNN Hero<http://www.cnn.com/2011/LIVING/01/20/cnnheroes.means.homeless.clinics/index.html>;
Dr. Florence Haseltine, '70, MD, Director of the Center for Population Research, NIH<http://www.nih.gov/>;
Dr. Louise Grochow, '71, MD, Executive Director, Global Medicine Science AstraZeneca<http://www.astrazeneca.com/>;
Prof. B. Katherine Swartz, '72, Professor of Health Policy & Mgmt, Harvard School of Public Health<http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/>

Alumnae in the Innovation Ecosystem:
Jean Hammond SM '86, Founder and Investor, Golden Seeds Boston<http://www.goldenseeds.com/>; Entrepreneur in Residence, MIT<http://web.mit.edu/>;
Marilyn Matz '80, Founder, Paradigm4<http://paradigm4.com/>; previously Founder, Cognex<http://www.cognex.com/>;
Yuying Tang, ML '94, Founder and President, InaMei Skincare<http://inamei.blogspot.com/p/about-ina-mei.html>; Lab Manager of Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing<http://chm.pse.umass.edu/>, University of Massachusetts<http://www.massachusetts.edu/index.html>;
Priya Iyer, SM '90, CEO, Anaqua<http://www.anaqua.com/>

Champions of Sustainability:
Dr. Elisabeth Drake, '58, ScD '66, former Assistant Director, MIT Energy Lab;
Amy D. Smith, '84, '95, (invited) Director of D-Lab<http://d-lab.mit.edu/>, MIT<http://web.mit.edu/>; MacArthur Fellow;
Prof. Diane McKnight '75, Professor of Environmental Engineering, University of Colorado<http://www.colorado.edu/engineering/EnvEng/>; INSTAAR fellow
Carol Thomas, Fellow, American Institute of Certified Planners
Sarah Simon, '72, Environmental Compliance Manager, Ameresco<http://www.ameresco.com/>

REGISTER ASAP<http://alumweb.mit.edu/groups/amita.old/ESRLegacy/registration.shtml>

All are welcome to this exciting day of connections, opportunity and networking.

Sponsored by Philips Healthcare and supported by the MIT Alumni Association.
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