[Tang-residents] Transportation at MIT: Tech Shuttle, Saferide and much more

Vikramaditya G. Yadav vgyadav at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 12 19:04:43 EDT 2010

Dear Tang Residents,

The governments of Westgate and Tang Hall would like to invite you to
a special town hall meeting that has been scheduled for Thursday, October 21
at 7:30 pm in the Westgate lounge. This meeting intends to address some of
west campus' transportation issues. Representatives from the Graduate
Student Council and the MIT Parking and Transportation Office shall also be
in attendance. Items such as daytime shuttle services, Saferide shuttle
services, lack of connection to Kendall T after 7:00 pm, bicycle safety and
theft, pedestrian concerns, among others, will be discussed. We hope you can
attend this event and express your concerns or opinions about these
important services.

In addition, in order to gather input from the community, we've created a
short transportation survey on these subtopics. The main goal of the survey
is to gather numbers that would help inform MIT Parking on needed
changes. Here's
the survey.<https://spreadsheets0.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDFWVS1XcHNJbGtjV2JmcTlwS0tMOFE6MQ>
Kindly fill out the survey by Sunday, October 17.

Best regards and thank you for your inputs!

--Tang Hall Residents' Association
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