[Tang-residents] FW: House Dining Final Recommendation

Michael J Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Wed May 19 11:49:07 EDT 2010

May 19, 2010

Re: Final Recommendation from the House Dining Advisory Group

Dear Students:

Earlier this semester, I convened the House Dining Advisory Group (HDAG) with a charge to design a comprehensive plan to address longstanding issues with House Dining.
The HDAG has now issued its final report, which calls for a new meal plan in those houses with dining halls starting in fall 2011, and I wanted to make this information available to you as soon as possible. You can read the details here:


Please know that while this semester's review process has ended, we will bring the plan to its final shape in the coming year. Once the end-of-the-semester intensity is behind us and you have time to breathe again, I encourage you to review the full HDAG recommendation. In the fall, we will choose a vendor to operate House Dining. As we refine plan details during the process, we will call for student input whenever necessary and keep you informed of our progress.

I want to express my gratitude to the House Dining Advisory Group, particularly the student members, for dedicating so much time and energy to resolving a problem that has vexed MIT for decades. Dining engenders strong passions at MIT, but the HDAG members oversaw a process that was respectful, thorough, thoughtful, and effective. They all deserve our thanks.

Best wishes as you finish up the semester, and congratulations to all our graduating seniors. Enjoy the summer!

Sincerely yours,

Chris Colombo
Dean for Student Life
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