[Tang-residents] FW: [Parkinfo] Application period open for Fall T-Passes

Michael J Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Mon May 17 09:50:15 EDT 2010


From: parkinfo-bounces at MIT.EDU [mailto:parkinfo-bounces at MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of Larry Brutti
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:10 AM
To: institute at MIT.EDU; Dennis Collins; hca-chair at MIT.EDU; parkinfo at MIT.EDU
Cc: John P Attanucci; David Block-Schachter
Subject: [Parkinfo] Application period open for Fall T-Passes

Please Distribute to All Students


You may apply for your 2010-2011 school year MBTA pass before leaving campus for the summer by visiting https://commuting.mit.edu<https://commuting.mit.edu/>.  New this year are Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 Semester Passes that provide four months of unlimited bus and subway rides for $105 per semester. Apply now and your pass will be ready for pick up as early as August 27.

Have a great summer!

Larry Brutti
Operations Manager
MIT Parking and Transportation

P Think Green!   Before printing this e-mail ask yourself, do I really need a hard copy?
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