[Tang-residents] Update on Tang internet connectivity [help.mit.edu #1033939] (fwd)

Jayashree Subramanian jaya at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 6 12:58:44 EDT 2009

Check below for an update from IS&T. Please email me if your "wired" 
connectivity ever improves...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 11:48:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: Stuart Peloquin via RT <rcc-west at MIT.EDU>
To: jaya at mit.edu
Subject: Update on Tang internet connectivity  [help.mit.edu #1033939]

Dear Tang Hall residents,

I'm writing to you with another update regarding the internet connectivity in your building.  On Thursday, Oct 1st, the IS&T network team was on site performing analysis and making configuration changes to the network equipment.  Based on initial reports received over the weekend, this work was not sufficient to resolve the connectivity problems that many of the residents have been continuing to face over the last weeks.

In order to stop this problem from continuing, IS&T replaced all of the network devices in Tang.  There is still some work that needs to be done today to finish up this process, but as of 9:00 pm last evening (10/5/09) we expect the network connectivity of residents in Tang to have improved.  If this is or is not the case, please respond A.S.A.P.  We expect that there may be a few rooms that are experiencing problems unrelated to the lasting outage and would like to restore your connectivity as soon as possible.

Lastly, please again remember that the network in Tang Hall is a shared resource.  We ask that you use the network responsibly in your room.  This includes trying to keep high bandwidth transfers to a minimum if possible and not engaging in distributing or downloading copyrighted media if you do not have permission to do so.  A general rule of thumb is to completely avoid file sharing applications such as bittorrent, Kazaa, Limewire or other P2P networks for downloading movies and music.

Thank you.

Stuart Peloquin
Residential Networking Coordinator
Client Support Services
MIT Information Services and Technology

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