[Tang-residents] Tang wired network

Jayashree Subramanian jaya at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 5 20:06:57 EDT 2009

Hello All,
     RCC notified that they fixed wired network in some floors. However, 
our floor & many others eventually lost the connectivity!! THRA will be 
meeting senior officials in Graduate housing and IS&T this friday to 
discuss this emergency issue. Before that we would like to hear
your complaints as of today. Email me (jaya at mit.edu) with following 
- What is your exact problem? (really short!!!)
- How long have you been facing this?
- How many times did you contact RCC/IS&T (not me!)?
- How many times did they respond?

Jayashree Subramanian

Department of EECS
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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