[Tang-residents] Rules regarding quiet hours, hosting parties and lounge reservation policies

Vikramaditya G. Yadav vgyadav at MIT.EDU
Sun Dec 13 17:44:05 EST 2009

Rules regarding quiet hours, hosting parties and lounge reservation

1. Quiet hours for Tang Hall commence at 11 pm every night, irrespective of
the day. So if it is a Friday night and you are hosting a party, you and
your guests are expected to turn the volume down to a level that is not
disturbing your neighbours. Excuses such as "It's Friday night" will be met
by one such as "But it's Saturday morning in the Orient" and non-complying
residents could face fines.

2. So can I be loud before 11 pm? No! After 11 pm, silence is expected.
Before 11 pm, you can play your music and have loud debates, but you cannot
disturb your neighbours.  This means that silence levels are
negotiablebefore 11 pm. It is assumed that you and your neighbours are
people and won't raise objections to some music being played before 11 pm
but if you are approached by someone who says you are being too loud, you
still have turn down your music. The best approach to finding out how loud
is "loud", talk to your neighbours about it (hence the term "negotiable").

3. If you plan on hosting a party, you are expected to alert your neighbours
about this a few days before the party and get their consent. This also
helps you since you won't be disturbed on the night of the party. However,
once the clock strikes 11 pm, you are expected to be quiet.

4. If you plan on serving alcohol at any event that you are hosting in the
lounges, you are expected to get an alcohol permit and instruct your guests
not to inconvenience other residents if they plan on letting their hair down
and getting hammered. This could result in a fine or even a police

If any resident finds that his or her neighbour or roommate is being
unreasonable, do not hesitate to contact your housemasters or the THRA (both
can be reached at tang-government at mit.edu) to arrive at a swift solution to

Good luck with exams and the holiday season and we wish you a happy new

Best regards,
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