[Tang-residents] Federal Law Compliance Document Availability

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 26 12:09:20 EDT 2006

>         The newly revised 2006-2007 edition of the MIT's federal law
>compliance document under the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act
>of 1990 (The Clery Act) is now available in web and hardcopy
>formats. The Safety, Security, and Crime Prevention handbook contains
>campus crime statistics for the previous three years concerning
>reported crime that occurred on campus; in certain off campus
>buildings owned or controlled by MIT; and on public property within,
>or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. It also
>contains business and emergency telephone numbers, a campus map of MIT
>Police emergency telephone locations.
>         In addition, the handbook provides a Crime Prevention
>Information Guide, which offers tips for preventing personal and
>property crimes. This section provides information about the services
>offered by the MIT Police and the Institute to assist in that effort
>including: bicycle registration, street smarts practices, handling
>sexual harassment and/or obscene and harassing telephone calls.
>         The Safety, Security and Crime Prevention Handbook for MIT can
>be accessed at http://web.mit.edu/cp/www/publications.htm. If you wish
>to obtain a hard copy version of this document, please send e-mail to
>Sgt. Cheryl Vossmer at the-police at mit.edu. Include your name and the
>address of where you would like the copy mailed.

Michael Collins
Tang Residence Hall
Westgate Apartments
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Housing Department
W84-104   617-253-5146
collinsm at mit.edu

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