[Tang-residents] Art Loan Program for residents

Dawn Anderson colquitt at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 7 22:00:32 EDT 2005

ATTENTION!! All MIT undergraduate and graduate students!

Student Loan Art Program Exhibition and Lottery
at the List Visual Arts Center

September 6 - 18, 2005
Gallery Hours: Daily 12 - 6 PM

Graduate Students' Reception:
Wednesday, September 14, 5 - 7 PM

Lottery Results Posted:
September 20

September 21 & 22

Final Distribution:
September 23

Information: 617.253.4680 or

Major support for this program has been provided by Vera G. List, MIT's Campus
Activities Complex, and endowments generously established by John Taylor and
Alan May. The Graduate Students' Reception is supported by Student Life Fees
and Isaac M. Colbert, Dean for Graduate Students.

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