[Tang-residents] Fwd: Crime Alert - Con Games

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 28 07:37:45 EDT 2004

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>X-Sender: cseagren at hesiod
>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.2.1
>Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 15:40:39 -0400
>To: hmgr at mit.edu, housing-unit12 at mit.edu
>From: Carl Seagren <cseagren at MIT.EDU>
>Subject: Fwd: Crime Alert - Con Games
>X-Spam-Score: -4.345
>X-Spam-Flag: NO
>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.42
>>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>>Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 14:48:13 -0400
>>From: Cheryl Vossmer <crimbite at MIT.EDU>
>>User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.3) 
>>X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
>>To: cp-bulletin at mit.edu, tutors at mit.edu, housemasters at mit.edu,
>>    fsilg-ra at mit.edu
>>Subject: Crime Alert - Con Games
>>X-Spam-Score: -4.345
>>X-Spam-Flag: NO
>>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.42
>>Issued: September 27, 2004
>>Please be advised that on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 an MIT student 
>>was the victim of a con or scam. In this incident the "con artist" told a 
>>story of how his vehicle was towed and he needed cash to retrieve his 
>>vehicle and pay the outstanding parking violations. The suspect told the 
>>victim he would give him a check for $700 if the victim would give him 
>>$500 cash. The victim withdrew the monies from and ATM account to pay the 
>>In this case the victim describes the suspect as follows: male, black 
>>approx. 5'11", approx. 30 years old, medium build, short black hair, and 
>>tan pants.
>>There several other common scams used by area con artist that the MIT 
>>Police Crime Prevention unit would like to make you aware of. The Big 
>>Carrot: Elaborate scam where the con man/woman claims to have a relative 
>>who works at a retail store and can offer the victim a laptop computer or 
>>other expensive item at a great price.
>>         The victim usually goes to meet the con outside a retail store 
>> and hands over thousands of dollars in cash in exchange for a phony 
>> receipt. The con man enters the store never to be seen again.
>>Another scam is called the Pigeon Drop: In this scam a pair of 
>>swift-talking con men and/or woman pretend to have found a wallet or 
>>briefcase with a large amount of cash in it. They stop a passerby and 
>>claim ignorance about what to do with the money. They offer to share it 
>>with the passerby/victim.
>>      What happens next is usually confusing, but the con artist manage 
>> to get the victim to give them "good faith" cash; by removing several 
>> thousands dollars from your bank account. The con-man will then1 give 
>> you a worthless scrap of paper and tell you to meet them later to divide 
>> the monies. These schemes tend to be very convoluted and defy easy explanation.
>>The MIT Police Crime Prevention Unit recommends the following Crime 
>>Prevention Tip. Suggest that the person go to the police to turn in the 
>>found cash or retrieve their car, their puppy, sick child or any other 
>>scams.  Immediately notify the Police at MIT by calling 617-253-1212 or 
>>100 from any campus telephone.

Michael Collins
Tang Residence Hall
Westgate Apartments
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Housing Department
W84-104  617-253-5146
collinsm at mit.edu
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