[Tang-residents] Re: Heating Monitoring - Your Help is Needed

Michael Collins collinsm at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 15 11:41:53 EST 2004

To all Tang Hall residents

I am aware of your concerns regarding the heat issues at Tang and will be 
working closely with the Dept. of Facilities to resolve them.


  08:34 PM 10/18/04 -0400, Ulas Ziyan wrote:
>Here is the email I plan to send about the heating monitoring. Please take 
>a look. Also, take a look at the form, and let me know if there should be 
>anything else there, or if something should have been done differently.
>Many thanks to Vikas for preparing the form promptly. Feel free to thank 
>him yourself next time you see him.
>Michael, could you let me know if something is inaccurate? I don't want to 
>misinform the residents.
>Dear Tang Resident,
>As you know the heaters are turned on in the building as of October 13.
>Unfortunately, many of you also noticed that Tang Hall has an old heating 
>system that lacks the comforts of the newer ones such that
>1. Facilities can't turn off the heater one day and turn it on the next 
>since it damages the system. Instead, they can cut back on the power, 
>which may leave some apartments still too hot without windows opened.
>2. Residents don't have control in their apartments' temperature since 
>there are no thermostats.
>Thus the best we can hope for is to keep the west/south side not too hot 
>and east/north side not too cold. That means occasionally west/south side 
>will be too hot and east/north side will be too cold.
>To fix this problem, we are planning to advocate for individual 
>thermostats for each apartment. That is an expensive transition for the 
>housing office and we will need some data to support our claim that the 
>heating system in Tang Hall is unsatisfactory.
>You can help up by monitoring your apartment's temperature and record it 
>using our web site. Please feel free to fill out the form as many times as 
>you want since the more data we collect, the better our case will be.
>You can access the form via the quick links on Tang's website or directly 
>at http://web.mit.edu/tang/www/government/feedback/heat/
>I appreciate your help in collecting the data we need to advocate 
>individual thermostats.
>Ulas Ziyan
>THRA President

Michael Collins
Tang Residence Hall
Westgate Apartments
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Housing Department
W84-104  617-253-5146
collinsm at mit.edu
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