[StarCluster] Security concerns with making a customized starcluster AMI public

Dan Lovell dlovell at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 14:45:03 EST 2014

We install some system
don't copy anything sensitive up.  Currently, we
use ec2cim<https://github.com/mit-probabilistic-computing-project/crosscat/blob/master/README_STARCLUSTER.md#creating-an-ami-from-booted-instance>(ec2-create-image)
from ec2-api-tools.  Though I just realized that
starcluster has its own AMI creation command,

Is there anything 'special' that should be done before making a customized
starcluster AMI pubilc via either of the above methods?


PS: my concerns coming from reading
http://alestic.com/2011/06/ec2-ami-security and not knowing enough about
what starcluster does when spinning up an instance to be confident enough
to release an AMI.
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