[scripts-announce] New independent server for sql.mit.edu

Jeff Arnold jbarnold at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 18 14:24:00 EDT 2006

sql.mit.edu, the SIPB MySQL service, was moved to its own server early 
this morning.  Databases were read-only for about 4 hours in the late 
night while replication was occurring.  Additionally, the server was 
upgraded to MySQL's most recent general release: 5.0.22.

The old server will forward all connections to the new server for the next 
few days to give your DNS caches time to reflect these changes.  If you 
are not using the DNS name "sql.mit.edu" to access the server, you will 
want to update your scripts so that they use this name.  If you used an 
automatic-installer from our team to create your website, you can safely 
ignore these details.

Feel free to let us know at scripts at mit.edu or sql at mit.edu if you have any 
questions or concerns.

Jeff Arnold
jbarnold at mit.edu

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