[Sci-tech-public] REMINDER: STS Circle, November 24 - Canay Özden-Schilling (Please RSVP)

STS sts at hks.harvard.edu
Wed Nov 19 10:32:59 EST 2014

         STS Circle at Harvard
[cid:D460598C-EB55-40A5-9D6F-B4DCE501D5E9 at fas.harvard.edu]
Canay Özden-Schilling


Economics Inside the Grid: Smart Grids, Power Systems Engineering, and Emergent Markets

Monday, November 24
12:15-2:00 pm
Room 100F, Pierce Hall, 29 Oxford Street

[cid:D460598C-EB55-40A5-9D6F-B4DCE501D5E9 at fas.harvard.edu]

Lunch is provided if you RSVP.
Please RSVP via our online<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HbdY3j1fVcUeE-UqQ7pN5clAxQtaQX7Ux6Y0tRMM9E8/viewform> form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HbdY3j1fVcUeE-UqQ7pN5clAxQtaQX7Ux6Y0tRMM9E8/viewform> before Thursday morning, November 20.

Abstract:   This talk explores the “smart grid” – a term that has gained popularity in the energy industry in the last decade, broadly referring to an upgraded version of the electric grid equipped with digital communication technologies. Since the beginnings of electrification in the US, power systems engineers have aimed to balance supply and demand for purposes of grid stability and reliability in the absence of significant electricity storage. Today, they are especially driven by the ideal of “efficiency,” hoping to make the grid a venue for supply and demand to match each other as closely as possible, by way of improved communication between actors - a venue that mirrors the way economists have imagined the market. Based on ethnographic fieldwork amongst power systems engineers focusing on smart grids, I argue that the language and tools available to them – broadly, optimization techniques – make them imagine and fashion the grid in the image of a market.

Biography:   Canay Özden-Schilling is a doctoral candidate in History, Anthropology, and STS (HASTS) at MIT. Her dissertation is an ethnographic study of electricity markets in the United States. Based on fieldwork amongst power market analysts, smart grid engineers, and citizen groups, she explores how the US electricity infrastructure has been fashioned in the image of a free market. More broadly, her economic anthropology interests include the creation, dissemination, and vernacularization of economic theories across society. Canay holds an M.A. in Near Eastern Studies from New York University and a B.A. in Political Science from Boğaziçi University, Istanbul.

A complete list of STS Circle at Harvard events can be found on our website:
Follow us on Facebook: STS at Harvard<http://www.facebook.com/HarvardSTS>

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