[Sci-tech-public] Technology & Enlightenment Exhibit Opens TODAY

Michelle Baildon baildon at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 3 12:22:14 EST 2010

Technology & Enlightenment Exhibit Opens Today

A new exhibit opens today (2/3) in the MIT Libraries' Maihaugen Gallery <http://libraries.mit.edu/maihaugen/index.html>  (14N-118). Entitled "Technology and Enlightenment: The Mechanical Arts in Diderot's Encyclopédie," it explores one of the most important and controversial publications of the eighteenth century, Diderot's Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers.

This massive work became infamous in its day as an enlightened attack on French and European religious dogmatism and monarchical inefficiency and injustice. Containing over 2,500 elaborately engraved plates, it documented the mechanical arts and technology, placing equal importance on the manual trades as the arts and sciences.

Curated by Jeffrey S. Ravel <http://web.mit.edu/ravel/www/ravel.htm>, MIT Associate Professor of History, and Kristel Smentek <http://architecture.mit.edu/people-details.php?type=faculty&id=573&detail=Profile>, MIT Assistant Professor of Art History, the exhibit features fascinating images chosen from the 32 original folio volumes owned by the MIT Libraries, as well as multimedia components illustrating the Encylopédie's significance.

The exhibit is open to the public Mon.-Thurs. during gallery hours, and runs through July 2010.  See the Libraries news blog <http://news-libraries.mit.edu/blog/technology-enlightenment/2797/> or MIT campus news <http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2010/maihaugen-gallery.html> for more details.  More information on upcoming events associated with the exhibit will be announced soon.

Michelle Baildon
History, History of Science & Technology, Philosophy, and Anthropology Librarian
MIT Humanities Library
Room 14S-222
77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel. 617-253-9352
Fax 617-253-3109

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