[Sci-tech-public] FW: Debbie/Judy Award Email

grahamloren@gmail.com grahamloren at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 15:36:58 EDT 2009

Dear All,
How wonderful!  This old STSer remembers with gratitude and affection so much help and friendship from Debbie and Judy!  And with such good humor!  Alas, I will not be able to come to the event as I am, and will be, traveling.  Congratulations, Debbie and Judy!
Warm regards, Loren
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-----Original Message-----
From: "David Mindell" <mindell at MIT.EDU>

Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 14:20:27 
To: <sci-tech-public at MIT.EDU>
Subject: [Sci-tech-public] FW: Debbie/Judy Award Email

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