[Sci-tech-public] Special Event: Screening of "Secondhand (Pepe)", a film by Hanna Rose Shell

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 8 12:44:36 EDT 2009

>Screening of "Secondhand (Pepe)"
>A film by Hanna Rose Shell
>Friday, April 10
>8:00 pm
>MIT, Kresge Theater
>Screening of "Secondhand (Pepe)", a film on secondhand clothing and 
>diasporic cultures by Hanna Rose Shell, Assistant Professor in MIT's 
>Program in Science, Technology, and Society; and the director (with 
>Vanessa Bertozzi), will be shown on Friday, April 10, at Kresge 
>Theater as a double feature with a new puppet show about the history 
>of public health and the AIDS crisis in Haiti. "Secondhand (Pepe)" 
>is a 24-minute tri-lingual film about the materiality of recycled 
>clothes that flow from the United States to Haiti 
>(www.secondhandfilm.com). The film will be shown in its entirety, 
>after which Professor Shell will lead a question and answer session.
>This event is part of "Antiretrovirals and Water Refugees: A Living 
>Newspaper on Haiti" which looks at the past, present, and future of 
>Haiti in terms of the politics of global healthcare, as refracted 
>through the work of Paul Farmer's Partners in Health organization 
>and its fight against AIDS. An updating of the 1930s activist 
>docudramas called Living Newspapers, this show combines 
>bunraku-style puppets, shadow theater, giant puppets, toy theater, 
>video and audio sampling, and live brass music to consider the 
>compelling global nexus of culture and history that is Haiti. The 
>production will also feature a series of post-show discussions about 
>Haiti, healthcare, and the history of American political theater.
>Info about the puppet show and screening is here: 
>Tickets are for sale here: http://dramashop.mit.edu/tickets/
>More info about the film is here: 
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