[Sci-tech-public] Richard White, Patty Limerick and Pete Daniel at the Warren Center

Larissa Kennedy lkennedy at fas.harvard.edu
Mon Apr 6 10:48:35 EDT 2009

To Harvard and Boston-area scholars with interests in environmental history,

You are warmly invited...

Friday, April 17, 2:15 - 4:15pm (Science Center A)

Pete Daniel (National Museum of American History)
Patricia Limerick (University of Colorado)
Richard White (Stanford University)

This symposium concludes our 2008-09 two-part series, "American 
Environmental History, At Sea and on Land."  The panel will highlight 
current trends in environmental history, with examples drawn from the 
panelists' recent and current work.

Event includes discussion among the panel and with the audience, with 
a light reception to follow.

Presented by the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American 
History, with support from the Harvard University Center for the Environment.
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