[Sci-tech-public] TOMORROW! CMS Colloquium Reminder: "Ambiguity, Process, and Information Content in Minimal Music, " with Michael Cuthbert on Thursday, April 19, 5-7 pm, in 2-105

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 18 11:53:36 EDT 2007

>Ambiguity, Process, and Information Content in 
>Minimal Music with Michael Cuthbert
>Apr. 19
>5:00 PM
>Recent trends in music composition push bounds 
>by creating pieces which are either more complex 
>or simpler than works of the past. And yet, our 
>ability to understand and be interested in the 
>compositions at these extremes has kept pace. In 
>this talk, Michael Cuthbert will show how simple 
>minimalist processes give rise to highly 
>ambiguous structures, while many of the most 
>complex moments are reducible to easier to 
>comprehend processes. The effect of potentially 
>endless works—including sections of Beethoven 
>symphonies—will generalize the talk to other 
>musical styles and other media. Cuthbert, 
>visiting assistant professor of music at MIT, 
>has worked extensively on fourteenth-century 
>music and on music of the past 40 years. A 
>recipient of the Rome Prize of the 
><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = 
>/>American Academy, Cuthbert earned his Ph.D. from Harvard in 2006.
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