[Sci-tech-public] Series Finale: "Why Newspapers Matter" on Thursday, Oct. 5, 5-7 pm in Bartos Theater, MIT Media Lab

Brad Seawell seawell at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 4 14:07:45 EDT 2006

please forward to interested colleagues:


Why Newspapers Matter

Thursday, October 5, 5-7 pm, Bartos Theater, MIT Media Lab

Jerome Armstrong (Crashing the Gate), Pablo Boczkowski (Digitizing the 
News), Danta Chinni (Project for Excellence in Journalism), David Thorburn, 

Working journalists, media critics and digital visionaries discuss the 
ongoing transformation and apparent decline of American newspapers. Topics 
to be addressed: the aging of the newspaper reader, the emergence of 
citizens' media and the blogosphere, the fate of local news and the local 
newspaper, news and information in the networked future.

This is the third in a series of forums that asks Will Newspapers Survive? 
Also in the series: The Emergence of Citizens' Media (Sept. 19), News, 
Information and the Wealth of Networks (Sept. 21).

Series co-sponsor: Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation

Forums are free and open to the public.

More information: http://web.mit.edu/comm-forum

A reception in the lower atrium of the Media Lab follows this wrap-up 
forum. Food provided by Jules Catering.

Brad Seawell, Program Coordinator
MIT Communications Forum
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
voice 617-253-3521
fax 617-253-6105  
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