[Sci-tech-public] Student Pugwash Workshop: "The Life Sciences, Biosecurity, and Dual Use Research"

Christopher Sequeira csequeir at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 28 10:22:22 EST 2006

Dear STS,

MIT Student Pugwash will be hosting Dr. Brian Rappert from the
University of Exeter for a workshop this December 6th from 3:30 to
4:30pm.  Dessert will be served.  An RSVP is required to attend; please
reply to pugwash-officer at mit.edu if you are interested.

The Life Sciences, Biosecurity, and Dual-Use Research
December 6, 2006, 3:30 - 4:30pm
E40-496, MIT:

Since 11 September 2001 and the anthrax attacks that followed in the US, 
public and policy concerns about the security threats posed by 
biological weapons have increased significantly. With this has come an 
expansion of activities where the wisdom of applying national security 
controls is being considered.  As part of this, questions are being 
asked today regarding what novel threats might stem from life science 
research, how scientists can contribute to national defense, and whether 
some lines of investigation are too contentious to pursue. There are two 
aims to this seminar: one, to inform participants about current 
'biosecurity' debates and second, to generate interactive discussion 
about the merits of proposed policy responses.  This is not just a 
lecture but very much designed to get active audience participation and 
encourage active debate.

Dr. Rappert's bio:

- Chris Sequeira, MIT Student Pugwash president

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